From its earliest history, Burma has been home to some of the most remarkable and exotic mushrooms in the world. Many of the world’s most sought-after wild mushrooms can be found growing in the jungles and forests of Burma.
Mushrooms are a staple of Burmese culture and they have been used in medicine for thousands of years. In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about this amazing fungus before you go out and buy some.
What Are Mushrooms?
A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus. The network of tubes within the mushroom is called the fruiting body. These fleshy mushrooms have their origins in the lower geologies of the Mesozoic Era, which include the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods.
Mushrooms have been used as a food source by humans for thousands of years. Cultures all over the world have used mushrooms for both food and medicine. The first written record of a mushroom-based prescription comes from China’s Emperor Shen-Nung, who prescribed a fungus to treat a fever in 2737 BCE.
Where Do Mushrooms Grow In Burma?
Mushrooms grow all over the world, and Burma is no exception. The list of mushrooms that can be found in Burma,much like burmashrooms, is quite impressive and includes some of the rarest and most sought-after wild mushrooms in the world.
There are a few different types of forests in Burma where mushrooms can be found. These forests are located in the lowlands, in areas that are not high enough to be in contact with the tropical forests of the Indian sub-continent. The lowland forests of Burma can be further divided into deciduous and evergreen types.
Health Benefits of Eating Burmese Fungus
Maitake mushrooms have been shown to prevent cancer and improve immune system function. The presence of beta-glucan, polysaccharides, and other biological compounds in the mushroom makes it an effective anti-inflammatory agent.
The anti-oxidative properties of the mushroom have been shown to improve liver and cardiovascular function. It also prevents damage to the liver from alcohol and other toxins.
Amanita mushrooms have been shown to contain substances that prevent blood clotting, which can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Many health benefits come with the consumption of mushrooms. These benefits include anti-aging effects, improved immune system, and reduced risk of cancer.
Mushrooms are a great source of vitamins and minerals and are also a good source of fiber. As long as you know what mushrooms you’re eating and how to identify them, eating wild mushrooms has very few risks.
If you decide to go out and buy some mushrooms, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Only Buy Fresh Mushrooms – You should never eat mushrooms that are past their use-by date. Once a mushroom has reached its use date, the flavor and nutritional value of the mushroom decrease drastically.
It’s important to remember that even though poisonous mushrooms can look similar to edible species, they can still be harmful. If you’re not sure whether a mushroom is edible or not, you can always try it out first in a controlled environment.
For the world’s mushrooms to continue to be harvested, it’s important to learn how to identify them. Luckily, reading up on how to identify mushrooms and understanding their health benefits can help you make more informed decisions when it comes to eating wild mushrooms.